Amazing Space!-family day

The event for the whole family will take place on Saturday 23.11. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
There will be interesting space-themed workshops.

Note! Photographs will be taken at the event.

Please note that the planetarium is closed for renovation.


Advance tickets from the online store:
- €15 (ages 5–17 & discount groups)
- €22 (over 18 years old)

Tickets on site:
- €17 (ages 5–17 & discount groups)
- €24 (over 18 years old)

Free for children under 5 with a paying guardian.

You can also enter with a Museum Card, Kaiku Card, Heureka Club Annual Card and Heureka free tickets.

The program

There may be changes to the program.

  • Happening in the Sky

    Have you ever observed the starry sky? Come and make your own manual star map, a planisphere, to help you explore the sky, and direct your eyes towards the starry night sky.

  • Space Bingo

    Space Bingo is played non-stop during the day. Each game lasts an indefinite amount of time.

    at Science on a Sphere from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  • Kuvassa hetki avaruudesta. Kuvan keskellä iso loistava kappale sekä tähtikuvio sekä iso määrä tuikkivia tähtiä.


    Have you always wondered what is inside a satellite and how satellites work? Now is your chance to take a peek at the satellite!

Kuvassa Ursan puhallettava ja helposti paikasta toiseen siirrettävä planetaariokupu ulkoapäin.

Inflatable Planetarium

In Ursa's inflatable planetarium, you get to know the starry sky! In the show, you will learn what is visible in the sky right now and what you can find there. We get to know constellations, planets and other objects in the sky in a live guide.

Number of seats max. 25 people / performance.

11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 & 16.00

Lapsi kokoaa nuppipalapeliä isot oranssit hansikkaat kädessä.

Train like an Astronaut

An astronaut needs good physical condition, dexterity and problem-solving skills in their work. Come train like astronauts and test if you can handle the challenges!

  • Ilotulitteen päälle paperista ja pahvista muotoiltu raketti on lähdössä maasta, ympärillä savua.

    Paper Rockets-workshop

    You get to make paper rockets and fly them towards the sky with the help of air pressure.

    The workshop is organised in cooperation with Suomen Avaruustutkimusseura.

  • Kuva avaruudesta. Kuvassa tummalla pohjalla lukemattomia kirkkaita tähtiä ja planeettoja.

    Star Traveler's Puzzle

    In the Star Traveler's Puzzle, a solution to a well-known mathematical puzzle is sought. Go on a space trip and test your reasoning skills in solving the puzzle!

  • Violetinsävyinen kuvituskuva avaruudesta.

    Sun and UV point

    You get to do crafts related to solar and UV radiation.

    The workshop is organised in cooperation with The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.