Our partnership network includes several innovative companies, foundations and educational and research institutions, with whom we make the phenomena of science and society interesting and understandable.
With the support of our partners, we enable high-quality science education and communication and increase Finnish science capital. -
Are you interested in a partnership? Take contact:
Marjut Sirola
Partnership Specialist
tel. +358 40 9015 343
Partnership models
Impact programs
Our impact programs are suitable for organizations that want to participate in the presentation of socially significant themes. In addition to the science center exhibition, our broadest partnership model includes public and stakeholder events, learning materials and workshops. The effectiveness program can inspire future experts, especially children and young people, to join science.
Sponsored Science Classes
Get to knowThe support of the partners makes it possible for numerous school- and early childhood-age children to visit Heureka every year. Sponsored class packages are directed together with a partner to school classes or early childhood education groups in the area considered. The Heureka trip inspires students to get to know the achievements of science and the innovations that make our everyday lives easier.
Event partnership
We organize several public events for the whole family every year. The events offer science experiences and fun activities through different themes. Our most popular events are, for example, Children's Medicine Day, Chemistry Night and H18 evening events for adults. We are also happy to organize partners' own stakeholder events in our large and adaptable spaces.
Target cooperation
As a result of target cooperation, e.g. Science on a ball object, which is one of our most popular exhibition objects. Science on the ball presents, among other things, climate change and space research interactively. Daily guided shows are organized at the site. The site has been developed in cooperation with our long-term partner.
Idea workshop cooperation
Ideaverstas is an area for creative problem solving and workshops. Various challenges are devised, built and solved in the workshops. Ideaverstas develops cooperation and problem solving skills, knowledge of materials and technical understanding. Desired solutions are developed by ideating, experimenting, testing and improving.
"I feel..."
We are looking for partners for the realization of an impressive 6-meter-diameter work of art. The winning work of the idea competition organized by Heureka and STEK ry, "Musta sämmut..." was designed by architect Pentti Kareoja and sculptor Aimo Katajamäki. The metal sculpture combines both science and art as well as the laws of optics and new technological innovations.
" We want to be strongly involved in supporting the education of science subjects and maintaining interest in science, and Heureka offers an exciting way to learn about science in a practical and interactive environment. "
- Meri Vainikka, CEO, PPG Tikkurila
Partnership stories
Heureka x Microsoft
Read the story"Microsoft has cooperated with Heureka in the Artificial Intelligence
- Me, Myself & AI exhibition, and these mentor class visits implemented with the support of Microsoft were a good continuation of the fruitful collaboration. It would be great if we could work together to inspire children and young people about technology." -
Heureka x Swedish Academy of Sciences in Finland
Read the story"The collaboration started with our support for the Children's Medicine Day event, which aims to showcase all things medical and technological in a fun and positive way."
Heureka x ABLOY
Read the story"Genuine enthusiasm for cooperation, listening to the partner's wishes and interactive ideation together came really naturally from the Heureka team, and through them we were able to plan and implement a diamond cooperation that achieved all our goals."
Heureka x Tevella
Read the story"Tevella wants to be involved in a collaboration that enables learning and development together. Heureka works in partnership as an inspiring environment that offers a practical and interactive way to learn science and combines pedagogy with it in an innovative way"
Artificial Intelligence x CSC
Read the story"We are involved in Heureka's Artificial Intelligence and Robotics effectiveness program and the Me, myself & AI exhibition. We want to make ordinary people aware of the possibilities of artificial intelligence and tell what can be done with it."
Children's Medicine Day x THL
Read the story"Heureka's professionalism in organizing the event was first class. All the arrangements work great. The experience was inspiring, so we are thinking about producing similar event content in the future as well."
Heureka x Elgood/Partco
Read the story"In addition to visibility, the partnership gives us valuable user experience and feedback as well as development suggestions for our product range. For Heureka, the partnership offers flexibility and additional opportunities for various new experiments and ideas."
Power of play x PPG Tikkurila
Read the story"Heureka and PPG Tikkurila have many things in common, which makes Heureka a natural partner for us. We want to be strongly involved in supporting the education of science subjects and maintaining interest in science, and Heureka offers an exciting way to learn about science in a practical and interactive environment."
Heureka x STEK
Read the story"The collaboration has been very fruitful, smooth and fun. Your inspirers also inspire your partners. So far, our partnership has produced completely new forms from time to time, and we believe that we will find new opportunities in the future as well."
Science on the ball x Vaisala
Read the story"Collaboration with Heureka is natural, smooth and, above all, inspiring. I see a future full of possibilities, because science education is an important area for us, in which we want to be involved. We want to encourage children and young people to work in science and research."
The Secret of the Gut x Biocodex
Read the story"Cooperation with Heureka is smooth, flexible and warm. The people of Heureka have a genuine desire to find a solution that is good for all parties, and they are receptive to new ideas."
SuperPUU x UPM Plywood
Read the story"The stratospheric flight of the prototype of the world's first wood satellite WISA Woodsat was organized in June 2021 in front of Heureka."
Heureka x Finnish Engineers' Union
Read the story ->The workshop partnership has offered the Finnish Engineers' Association an excellent opportunity to support the accumulation of scientific capital and science education among young people and children. The experimental workshop, designed in collaboration with Heureka, is an effective and excellent way to communicate the goals and values of the Finnish Engineers' Association.