Autumn 2024 Science Camps

The two-day science camps for Autumn holiday week 42 (October 14–18, 2024) will go on sale on September 16 at 10 o'clock!

The autumn camp programs are among the best of the 2024 summer science camps. The space camps are aimed at children from 4th to 6th grade, and science camps for 1st to 6th graders.

Note! In connection with the purchase, the information of the camper or campers must be filled in the forms before payment. So please collect all the necessary information before the time of purchase!

Note! All science camps are organized only in Finnish.

Please note that changes are possible.

What happens at the Science Camps?

  • Science campers get to work versatilely in Heureka's different facilities, such as laboratories and workshops.
  • The Science Camps are 2-day camps. The camps are held from Monday to Tuesday and from Thursday to Friday.
  • The space camp programs are for the most part different from the regular science camps.
  • Campers are offered a warm meal in the Science Restaurant.
  • A camp letter with more detailed information is sent by e-mail to those who bought a ticket.
Laboratoriotakkinen tyttö katsoo ihmetellen mikroskooppiin.

When is the Science Camp held?

  • Autumn camps will take place in week 42
  • Mon–Thu (14.-15.10.2024) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thu–Fri (17.-18.10.2024) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • During the camp, science campers have the right to be in Heureka's exhibitions until closing time. In addition, you can spend time in the exhibitions independently in the mornings on Tuesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. On Monday and Thursday, the camp starts at 9.30 a.m. with registration.

What do the tickets cost?

Tickets go on sale on Monday 16 September 2024 at 10 a.m.

The price of 2-day camp is €90.

You can buy more than one science camp ticket at a time (max 4).

Note! Forms must be filled out for all campers at the time of purchase.

For the forms, you need the following information:
• The child's allergies (including information on whether products that may contain allergenic substances are suitable)
• Guardians' telephone numbers and home and email addresses
• T-shirt size

Frequently asked Questions

How do I cancel my purchase?

Cancel the camp no later than 7 days before the start of the camp to the address:

After this, cancellation and refunds can only be made against a medical certificate.

You can inquire about possible exchanges at the address:

I didn't have time to buy a ticket, will there be more for sale?

Possible cancellation spots will appear for sale in the ticket store. If you didn't manage to get your own spot - keep an eye on the ticket store!

More information

Do you still have questions? In that case, feel free to contact us by e-mail