24.6.-11.8.2024 Heureka is open from 9-18 every day
If you're looking for a quieter spot for a summer visit, then arrive first thing in the morning or alternatively in the afternoon. However, remember that ticket sales will close one hour before closing time on the current day.
Tips for the 2024 summer visit to Heureka:
Outdoor area is open
Heureka's exhibitions also continue outdoors during the summer! The Galilei Science Park is only open during the summer and is included in the price of a one-day Heureka ticket. The outdoor exhibition area includes various water attractions.
Still time to experience the planetarium
The renovation of the Planetarium will start on 12.8.2024 and will last until autumn 2025. The program includes the films Living Worlds, 3-2-1 Liftoff! and Satelix. Note! On busy days we cannot guarantee a seat for all Planetarium films. Please remember to reserve your seats for your preferred screening at Heureka using the reservation code on the door of the planetarium.
Long live playfulness and curiosity!
The Power of Play exhibition is on display at Heureka until 15.1.2025. This enchanting exhibition encourages young and old alike to throw themselves into the world of play.
Lunch every day
Changing lunch every day! The Science Restaurant also serves savory and sweet snacks, and during the summer there is an ice cream kiosk outside.
Heureka's beloved pet rats
In the rat feeding show, an inspirer tells about the rats' behaviour, feeding and everyday life at Heureka Rottala.
Heureka Shop
Science to take home for yourself or a friend! At Heureka Shop you'll find fun science-themed items to suit all tastes.

All with one ticket
You should reserve 2-4 hours for a visit to Heureka, as we have plenty to do! During the summer, in addition to the Power of Play and the outdoor exhibitions, we have Our Journey in Space, Artificial Intelligence - Me, Myself & AI, Heureka Classics, Electri City, Circulation Factory, The Idea Workshop, Science on a Sphere, The Wind in the Bowels, and some of the main exhibition area's all-time favourites, such as the Cable Wheel and Foucalt's Pendulum!

Yleisöesityksiä päivittäin
Heurekassa on tarjolla päivittäin erilaisia yleisöesityksiä, kuten laboratoriokokeita, tiedeteatteriesityksiä sekä rottien ruokintanäytöksiä.
Päivän tarkat esitykset sekä ohjelma-ajat ovat nähtävissä Heurekassa vierailupäivänä.

Heureka is a safe space
Everyone has the right to feel safe at Heureka.
When I am at Heureka,
I follow these principles for a safe space.