Heurekan edustan Neljä Kuutiota.

All exhibitions with one ticket

It is worth setting aside 2–4 hours for a visit to Heureka, because we have plenty to do! In the exhibitions we have the exciting The Giants of the Ice Age , the fascinating Our Journey in Space , the brain-stimulating Artificial Intelligence – Me, Myself & AI , the interesting Heureka Classics , Electri City , Circular Factory , The Idea Workshop , Science on a Sphere , and the all-time favorites from the main exhibition area , such as tightrope cycling and Foucault's Pendulum!

Buy tickets
Ulkokuva Heurekan takapihalta. Kuvassa näkyy sinistä tavaista sekä valkoisia pilviä heijastava planetaarion kupu.

The planetarium is closed

We will open a completely renovated and state-of-the-art planetarium in late 2025.

Read more
Heurekan tapahtumassa on esitys Tapahtumatorin lavalla. Lavan reunalla on paljon ihmisiä katsomassa esitystä.

Events during spring

In April, we will launch a new event concept for adults called NOX. The first NOX event will be held on Friday, April 25. More information about the event will be available in March.

Read more about our events

Lunch every day

The Science Restaurant's hearty lunch includes a daily changing selection of hot main dishes, soup, salad bar, bread and food drinks (including coffee and tea). In addition, the Science Restaurant offers e.g. Science Snack Menu, delicious savory coffee sandwiches, sweet pastries, snacks and various coffees and teas.

Read more on the Science Restaurant's website
Heureka Shopin ovi avoinna kauppaan,. jossa näkyy paljon erilaisia tuotteita.

Science at home from Heureka Shop

Let the joy of discovery continue at home! Or send science around in the form of a gift. Heureka Shop specializes in science products and gift items.

Go to the Heureka Shop page
Heurekan turvallisemman tilan periaatteiden kuvitusihmisiä.

Heureka is a safe space

In Heureka, everyone should feel safe.

When I'm in Heureka, I follow these principles of a safer space.

Get to know the principles of Heureka's safer space
  • Heurekan vinkit kevääseen

    Heureka's tips for spring

    Spring is fun at Heureka! Check out our opening hours, ticket prices, directions, lunch of the day, exhibitions and upcoming events.

  • Kesän tiedeleirit

    Science Camps in English for Children born in 2...

    Popular science camps will be held again in the summer of 2025. Tickets will go on sale on Monday, 24.3.2025 at 10 a.m.

  • Astronauttitesti

    Astronaut Test

    The astronaut profession is one of the most fascinating, but also the most challenging. That's why the astronaut recruitment process is also one of the most demanding, if not the most demanding. Take Heureka's playful astronaut test and find out if you could be an astronaut. The test is in...

  • Nainen ja mies istuu Heurekan planetaariossa. Planetaarion kuvulla näkyy tähtiä sekä sininen suurempi planeetta.

    The Planetarium is closed

    We will open a fully renovated and state-of-the-art Planetarium in late 2025.

  • Suomen uteliain luokka

    Finland's most curious class

    Heureka is looking for the most curious school class in Finland! Can we find it at your school? Participate in the competition before 28.2.2025 for a chance to win a spring trip to Heureka!

  • Heurekan Matkalla avaruudessa -näyttelyssä nainen osoittaa sormella suuren Kuun pintaan. Mies katsoo vierestä.

    Thursday evening ticket for 10 €

    Note! The discount does not apply to Thursday evenings 20.2., 27.2., 17.4., 1.5., 29.5., summer season 23.6.–10.8., 16.10. and 25.12. On Thursdays from 15:00–20:00, all entrance tickets are 10 €/each. Children under 5 years of age can enter Heureka free of charge accompanied by a guardian.