Heureka Classics brings together a selection of the most beloved ahaa experiences from science center around the world.

The exhibition is on display at Heureka for the time being.

Heurekassa on klassikkohde, jossa voi ohjata sähköä lasin takaa kädellä. Kuvassa on lasinen putki, jossa näkyy sinistä ja valkoista valoa. Mies ja nainen koskettavat lasia käsillään.

Experience classic destinations with the whole family together

The Heureka classics exhibition has a selection and the most loved Heureka aha experiences
objects that gave birth to the public's favorites developed in other science centers of the world.

Heureka classics presents various spectacular physics phenomena that can be experienced with the whole body. On the other hand, the illusion objects in the exhibition turn the attention to the experiencer himself and show how the cooperation of the brain and senses creates amazing phenomena inside our heads.

In addition to the normal range of languages ​​(Finnish-Swedish-English), the texts of the exhibition are also in Estonian and Russian.

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    Thursday evening ticket for 10 €

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