The exhibition is on display at Heureka for the time being.

  • Tyttö ja poika kokeilevat hoksottimiaan Heurekan Tekoäly-näyttelyssä.


    The Artificial Intelligence – Me, Myself & AI exhibition deals with the basics of artificial intelligence development, the interaction of humans and robots controlled by artificial intelligence, and the social dimensions of the development of artificial intelligence in a fun and interactive way.

    Artificial intelligence is already involved in our everyday life in many ways. Since artificial intelligence is built by us humans, it is also good for us to think together about what kind of artificial intelligence we want and how we want to use it.

  • Leveästi hymyilevät lapset Heurekan Tekoäly-näyttelyn Kivi–Paperi–Sakset-kohteella.

    Welcome to the world of artificial intelligence

    In the artificial intelligence exhibition, a story about artificial intelligence runs in the background of the working Scientist. Let's get to the Artificial Intelligence exhibition to visit the Scientist's home, yard and workshop. A scientist has developed fun devices for his home that utilize artificial intelligence. He is interested in exploring what we can do together with artificial intelligence.


A scientist has developed devices for his home containing artificial intelligence, with which you can make life more fun and try new things. In the scientist's home, you can write poems and draw together with artificial intelligence.

What else would you teach a kitchen robot?

Kivi–Paperi–Sakset-kamppailu tekoälyn ja naisen kesken. MIes katselee vierestä.


A scientist in his yard has built fun games and gadgets using artificial intelligence for the parties that are just starting. Can you beat an AI-controlled robot arm in a rock-scissors-paper game?


In her workshop, she trains robots with artificial intelligence and raises thoughts about what responsible artificial intelligence is. Will you manage to train a robot that knows how to search for things lost by the Scientist?

Lapsi hyppää leveästi Tekoäly-näyttelyssä Heurekassa. Toinen lapsi kurkistaa ikkunasta.

Exhibition-related learning materials

The learning material consists of two in-school workshops and supporting exercises. The workshops are suitable to be carried out before or after the exhibition visit. The material can also be used without an exhibition visit. The materials are in Finnish and have been designed to fit in with the curricula of the different grades.

Grades 1-9: Skillful AI

Grades 7-9 and upper secondary: Artificial Intelligence Sorter with Arduino

  • Artificial intelligence

    Computer programs that imitate activities that require intelligence, such as reasoning, recognizing pictures or speaking, are called artificial intelligence.

  • Rule-based artificial intelligence

    A computer program that imitates an action that requires intelligence by following instructions written by a human.

  • Machine learning

    An operation in which the computer examines the teaching material given to it and produces a model from which it can draw conclusions.

  • Teaching material

    Data containing examples, with which machine learning-based artificial intelligence is taught the desired things.

  • Algorithm

    A detailed description of the steps by which a computer can perform a particular task or solve a particular problem.

  • Neural network

    A machine learning system that consists of simple to each other connected computing units, neurons, and use them to form a model of the teaching material

  • Machine learning algorithm

    The instructions, by following which the computer examines the teaching material given to it and creates a model from it. With the help of the model, it can be done conclusions.

  • Kesän tiedeleirit

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  • Kemian yö 6.3.

    Chemistry Night 6.3.

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  • Heurekan vinkit talveen

    Heureka's tips for winter

    Heureka is fun even in winter! See our opening hours, admission ticket prices, arrival instructions, lunch of the day, our exhibitions and upcoming events.

  • Astronauttitesti

    Astronaut Test

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  • Suomen uteliain luokka

    Finland's most curious class

    Heureka is looking for the most curious school class in Finland! Can we find it at your school? Participate in the competition before 28.2.2025 for a chance to win a spring trip to Heureka!

  • Nainen ja mies istuu Heurekan planetaariossa. Planetaarion kuvulla näkyy tähtiä sekä sininen suurempi planeetta.

    The Planetarium is closed

    We will open a fully renovated and state-of-the-art Planetarium in late 2025.

  • Heurekan Matkalla avaruudessa -näyttelyssä nainen osoittaa sormella suuren Kuun pintaan. Mies katsoo vierestä.

    Thursday evening ticket for 10 €

    Note! The discount does not apply to Thursday evenings 20.2., 27.2., 17.4., 1.5., 29.5., summer season 23.6.–10.8., 16.10. and 25.12. On Thursdays from 15:00–20:00, all entrance tickets are 10 €/each. Children under 5 years of age can enter Heureka free of charge accompanied by a guardian.